Workplace uses for generative AI
Workplace uses for generative AI The generative AI tools that you’ll use will depend on your industry, role, and specific workplace needs. Please note that each tool’s uses are not limited to the industries listed here. Also note that the cost varies for each tool. Some tools in this list are free or offer a free trial; others require a paid subscription to access. The examples that follow include whether the tool is stand-alone, integrated, or both. Stand-alone means it’s an individual organization and tool that you can add and use in your workflow. Integrated means the tool is part of an existing type of software, which you’ll need to access if you want to use that AI feature set. Conversational AI tools Conversational AI includes general-purpose tools that can simulate a human conversation, as well as provide answers to questions on a wide variety of subjects. Workers might use conversational AI tools to help with work tasks, such as brainstorming or finding answers to low-s...